The Mana Mele project is built on the strong belief that
Collaboration over Competition is the key to success

The Mana Mele Project is built on a strong belief that Collaboration over Competition is key for positive community growth and success of our programs.
The Mana Mele Project's primary partners include 'Mana Mele Collective', UH’s MELE program, Mana Maoli, 10 Hawaiian charter schools, the Johnson ‘Ohana Charitable Foundation, ANA and others:
Mana Mele Collective: Over 200 of Hawaii’s finest musicians and bands, engineers and studios, videographers and video production companies, and music business professionals and companies have come together in support of social enterprise and Mana Mele’s Music & Multimedia Academy. These artists and entities have committed to mentorships with youth, and/or to be called upon for event services and studio products that the Mana Mele Project is offering to Hawaii’s businesses, individuals, families, and organizations. Click here to see a listing of those who are already ‘officially’ onboard, with more to be announced shortly prior to our launch event.
The ‘Mana Maoli Collective’ referred to over 200 musicians – from Hawaii’s favorites to the up and coming - who have donated their time and talents to Mana Maoli CD’s, concerts, and school visits since 2001. With the addition of select engineers, videographers, and other industry professionals that we consider to be representative of the excellence that we commit to our clients under the Mana Mele Project, we now refer to this all-star team as the ‘Mana Mele Collective’.
The MELE program – Advisory/Oversight, Curriculum Development, Evaluation, Mike Curb Studio, College Student mentorships, Campus Tours, Fundraising. Click here for more about this innovative program, based at UH’s HCC campus.
Mana Maoli – Administration, Coordination, Curriculum Development, Mobile Studio, Project Implementation, Academy Design, Mentorships with industry professionals, Fundraising, and Fee-For-Service offerings. Click here for more info about this nonprofit, founded in 1999.
Partner schools – The 10 schools currently receiving direct services under the Mana Mele Project include:
Kaua’i: Kanuikapono Public Charter School (PCS) in Anahola, Kawaikini PCS (Lihu’e), Ke Kula Ni’ihau o Kekaha PCS (Kekaha), KANAKA (Kula Aupuni Ni’ihau a Kahelelani Aloha) PCS (Kekaha)
O’ahu: Hakipu’u Learning Center PCS (Ko’olaupoko), Halau Ku Mana PCS (Maunalaha/Papakolea/Makiki), Ke Kula Samuel M. Kamakau PCS (Kane’ohe), Ka Waihona o ka Na’auao PCS (Nanakuli), Kamaile Academy PCS (Wai’anae), Malama Honua PCS (Waimanalo).
The Mana Mele Project is scheduled to extend its outreach to 6 additional public charter schools in 2016 (primarily on Hawai’i island), with plans to secure funding to serve DOE public schools under MELE’s K-12 extension program.
Johnson ‘Ohana Charitable Foundation – The Johnson Ohana Charitable Foundation was founded by Jack and Kim Johnson to support environmental, art, and music education now and into the future. The Johnson Ohana Charitable Foundation is generously supporting the Mana Mele Project with funds to help with the solar aspect of the mobile studio, and a video lighting system. Jack has also personally donated his time in many ways over the years, including being featured at our concert, a music video with John Cruz, multiple (previously unreleased) recordings and a media interview.
ANA (Administration for Native Americans) – Leveraged by Johnson ‘Ohana funds and many years of Mana Maoli fundraising (events, CD’s, merch), ANA has generously provided the majority of the funds for the Mana Mele project between October 2013 and September 2016.
Ka’anani’au – led by founder Keone Nunes, Ka’anani’au has provided invaluable technical assistance and support since Mana Maoli became an ANA grantee.
Additional partners include 808 Urban,
Finally, over the last 15 years we have been and continue to be supported in countless ways by hundreds of kupuna (elders), educators, cultural practitioners, philanthropists, community organizers, schools, and families - all of whom share a common vision of community empowerment through our 3 primary purposes: Community-based education and awareness, Pooling and sharing of resources, and Sustainability (enviromental, economic, self, community).